Chapter 17.99 HISTORY OF TITLE
The tribal council appointed an advisory personnel rules committee at tribal retreat March 25-26, 2000. A blank title was adopted on July 15, 2000 by tribal council resolution. The personnel committee’s report was accepted and referred to the governance committee on May 12, 2001. On February 10, 2002, the tribal council adopted new chapters 17.01 through 17.06 and 17.12 and 17.99. On July 27, 2002, the tribal council adopted new chapters 17.07 through 17.11. On August 2, 2003 the tribal council by resolution created the original personnel committee. On October 4, 2003, revisions were adopted by tribal council resolution 03-26. On May 01, 2004, the tribal council adopted a New Section 17.09.110 Prevailing Wages. On October 30, 2004 tribal council adopted resolution No. 04-41 revising Chapter 17.07.010 and adding 17.08.100 to Chapter 17.08.
July 9, 2005 Tribal Council adopted Resolution No. 05-42 adding 17.09.120 to Salary and Benefits. February 2, 2007 Tribal Council approved by motion adding Shared Leave (11) to Chapter 17.09.090. Chapter 17.09.090(1) Overtime was approved by Tribal Council motion on May 12, 2007. Chapter 17.09.040 Chapter 17.01 to 17.07.030 approved by Tribal Council July 8, 2007. Chapter 17.07.030(3) approved by Tribal Council motion September 7, 2007. By Tribal Council motion adopted October 6, 2007 Chapter 17.02.090 “Exempt employee” was added to 17.02 Definitions. January 2, 2008 motion by Tribal council to suspend cap on accrued hour (17.090.060(3)(B) until the Code has been revised and approved. By Tribal Council motion December 6, 2008 Immediate family for bereavement purposes 17.09.090(8) Bereavement was amended. By Tribal Council motion 17.07.030(1) was amended to include “and Web-site” and “(7 days)”. By Tribal Council motion July 11, 2009 17.07.040 Existing Positions was added to Title 17. By Tribal Council motion April 10, 2010 Shared Leave was amended by adding (I) to 11 of 17.09.090. By Tribal council motion May 1, 2010 Chapter 17.13 Political Activity and 17.08.020 Business and Personal Relationship were added. By Tribal Council motion December 4, 2010 Staff Licensure and Certification was added Chapter 18.08.120 Conditions of Employment. There Title 17 Personnel was revised and approved by Tribal Council motion May 7, 2011 as Title 17 Employment. 17.02 Cowlitz Dispute Resolution Forum was deleted on October 2, 2021 by Tribal Council Resolution 21-95 along with any references there to in 17.01. Tribal Council amended Title 17 on April 10, 2022 via Resolution 22-55. To eliminate uncertainty that had arisen about which documents were used to record the changes that the Cowlitz Tribal Council had enacted on April 10, 2022, Tribal Council enacted a resolution on October 1, 2022 to rescind and replace Title 17
May 16, 2024, the Tribal Council adopted Res. 24-86 (effective July 9, 2022), which repealed and replaced Section 17.01.030. [Res. 24-86, 2024; Res. 22-120, 2022.]